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Posts posted by LaMasquerade

  1. Hey Legendary Zoltan.

    I'm new here, just signed up a few days ago... but I went ahead and gave a try to mixing "The One Who is Torn Apart" into hip hop style. I sent you a message to the Skype account you provided, but you never responded, so I figured I'd leave a reply here as well.

    I will post the soundcloud link here. Please let me know what you think!

    If you have any feedback or advice I'd love to hear it. (I can make changes to the track if necessary.) Also, apologies to Argle if I kind of jumped in on your project at the last moment. :( I really didn't mean to, it's just I thought this was a really cool idea, and you seemed pretty busy, so I thought I'd give it a try.

    Link: https://soundcloud.com/brandon-a-griggs/xenogears-hip-hop

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