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Posts posted by ChronoMakers

  1. Hi guys!

    So i am putting together a short intro video for a youtube/twitch.tv show that me and my friend have started (were are 3 episodes in). The thing is we need a song to go along the intro and neither him nor I can compose any kind of good music :P. So i was wondering if one of you would like to put something together for us (you would of course be credited in the intro itself and in the description of every episodes).The intro is 15 seconds long.

    The show is about JRPGs. We play good and bad JRPGs to try and see what makes the classics so great or is it simply nostalgia? When i imagine the intro song in my head I imagine the battle music from FFV. Now obviously I don't really want that exact song but something with the same vibes. Something upbeat and energic :)


    Thank you guys and i wish you a great day!

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