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Posts posted by SixStringRunner

  1. Hi, everyone.

    I'm glad to be here with all of you fine people. I've been playing guitar since around 1975, so right away, that separates me from the herd age-wise (haha). Especially when you consider that growing up, VGM was sorely missing from games like Space Invaders, Asteroids, and Pong.

    My wife, Chimpazilla, is an amazing musician and her enthusiasm for OCR, along with her mad remixing skills, has inspired me to try my hand at VGM remixing as well. Needless to say, the house is filled with VGM, and I've grown to love it! In a lot of ways, mixing my styles and influences with VGM is probably going to be like some bizarre science experiment that I am really looking forward to!

    I'm proud to be a member of OCR, and I hope to collaborate and create some cool remixes - with a lot of help from the experts.

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