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Posts posted by MakoEyes

  1. Are you talking about the lead or rhythm tone? And are your problems more related to sequencing or processing guitars?

    Hey thanks for the reply man.

    I believe the rhythm tone is the one I'm talking about. In the link I provided (

    ) it's the guitar that comes in at 0:19.

    Sorry for my noobiness, but to be honest I"m not sure what sequencing is or processing. I mean I might, but I don't know what you mean by those terms so I don't know how to answer the question haha.

    But what I'm going for is just to recreate that sound. It's like a higher pitch of guitar, but it still shreds which is why I love it. The noise is so lush.

    I'm not sure where to start. For example, can this sound only be created with a certain type of guitar? Because that would mean I've been using the wrong guitar this whole time and wasting my time.

    Or maybe I just have to mess around with certain settings that I'm unfamiliar with? I'm not sure.

    My actual guess if I had one, would be that this is some type of distortion? I'm also really nooby on distortion too, but I showed this to my buddy and that was his guess so it's mine too.

    If you have any links or any resources I could use in the meantime to study up on sequencing/processing that'd be great.

  2. Hey guys, have a guitar question I was hoping you could help me out with.

    I'm looking to recreate the guitar used in Metal Harbor, from Sonic Adventure 2 Battle. Here's a link for you:

    I'm about 6-8 months deep in music, so I know a decent amount but I'm still really nooby on a lot of things.

    I use Orange Tree Evolution Electric Guitar Strawberry and Guitar Rig, so I've got the ability to create a wide range of sounds, but I tested so many different presets I know it's actually my lack of knowledge that's preventing me from getting this noise lol.

    But yeah any explanations or help or even discussions would be great.

  3. Hi guys,

    I really REALLY apologize in advance if I completely missed the answer to my question. I checked a bunch of different threads and I'm notoriously bad at looking for anything whether it's in real life or online. (I also misplace everything, not that you care.)

    So to get to the point, my friend and I were basically recording ourselves just talking about random topics. We have many hours of recorded audio of us.

    After listening to some of them, we were wondering what the most efficient way of having the highest sound quality possible for just a recorded voice on a computer.

    When I say efficient, I mean taking into account costs primarily.

    Currently for my microphone I am using a Logitech HD Webcam C270, and for recording I am using my computer's default "Sound Recorder."

    There's nothing really "wrong" with the sound quality right now persay, but again I'm just curious as to what it would sound like at the highest quality possible, and what the cheapest way (if I need money at all) to get that would be.

    I did some google searches but I decided that I'd want to discuss/hear from people real time as opposed to reading what someone else wrote, just to make sure I can get any questions answered and I actually understand everything.

    I decided to come here because I've been a gamer for a long time and love the music this community puts out. Truly great.

    So I guess I'll just ask a few questions and see where it goes.

    1.) I assume that the highest "level" of audio quality in terms of voice is mainstream music. Is this true?

    2.) If 1 is true, or I guess even if it's not, WHATEVER the highest level of audio quality for voice is, is it a result of superior equipment, or production techniques?

    I guess I'm asking these questions to determine how close an average person can get to creating high level audio quality on their own.

    3.) I read a thread in here that seems SUPER helpful to anyone wanting/needing to purchase music equipment. I saw a couple of microphones on there around $100 that were recommended for beginners. I'm assuming that this is because the quality is very high for the price.

    Does the microphone itself actually determine how good the quality of the sound is?

    4.) This one might be a no brainer...Ironically enough I actually own a copy of FL Studio thanks to a gift I received a while ago, but I've never actually used it.

    I'm pretty positive that compared to Sound Recorder, I could probably get way better audio quality in FL Studio.

    Are there any simple steps I can take in FL Studio to dramatically increase the quality of what I record? And, would I actually use FL Studio to record my voice, or do I use Sound Recorder and import the file to FL Studio to modify?

    When I say modify, I'm just going off of what I read online earlier. An example would be an article I read on "How to Record With Realtek HD Audio Manager":

    Click "Noise Suppression" to cancel out background noise. Click "Acoustic Echo Cancellation" to prevent whatever you're recording from playing back through your speakers and being picked up by a microphone. These two settings are optional.

    How many of these little "techniques" or whatever you want to call them are required for optimal voice recording?

    5. I've seen some youtube videos and articles titled "How to make your music sound professional" or "How to master your music to make it sound high quality."

    I assume people that are new to producing or mixing or music in general end up creating their own music, only to have it sound lackluster and noobie.

    I'm just curious if any of those articles would contain information pertaining to me, and if so, what would that information be?

    I think I've asked enough questions to give a general sense of what I'm looking for.

    Normally I just figure things out on my own, but when it comes to music some things are confusing, such as the above example of Acoustic Echo Cancellation.

    To a music noobie (me), I have no idea what the article means when it says "prevent whatever you're recording from playing back through your speakers and being picked up by a microphone."

    Does Realtek HD Audio Manager simultaneously play what you're recording in real time, or do I just not understand this?

    And is this specific to that program or is this common in all audio recording software?

    Any and all help is appreciated, so thanks in advance!

    Oh also, I play Super Smash Brothers Melee competitively and am usually considered to be of the upper echelon of players, so if you're curious about anything, I'll answer any questions you have.

    Just my attempt at reciprocating any help I get. :)

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