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Posts posted by Jogilius

  1. Way too freaky. Didn't like this one.

    I guess people more easily comment the remixes they like, rather than those they don't like.

    Not bad. I wonder why no one is complaining about this like they did about See Sixty Funk.

    I don't know about that one, but it's more easy to go with the flow, and if there aren't any negative comments, it's more demanding to make a new negative post. So, the comments that happen to come first count the most.

    For example...

    I didn't really like anything until 2:10 ish but after that it was all pretty enjoyable. Not bad.

    You didn't like ANYTHING before 2:10 but still the remix was "not bad"? Is it just me, or might your comment have been influenced by the previous posts?

  2. From my last comment here, my affection towards this song has only grown. I've copied it to my 3300 and listened to it when travelling on public transport and watching the summery scenery. There is something special about this song that makes me feel the phantasy in the Zelda series so close, as if I were in the mythical world of Hyrule myself. It's an eerie feeling that makes me think about a perfect Zelda game with vast forests and neverending possibilities... :)

    Uh... That sounded kinda no-life. Any way, great piece. applause.gif We want more! resp.jpg

  3. The cyberdemon from Doom. Sorry kiddies but he ownz you.


    Oh and that one level In Doom II where both the cyberdemon and spid1.gif fight you at once.


    3 rockets? WTF! FAR MORE... CyberDemon is far more superior to Spider Mastermind, so to finish him off, lots of rockets are needed... And especially when there are lots of enemies around, Spider Mastermind's lifespan decreases faster since minigun is an efficient way to make other baddies angry.

    That's level 20 btw. But that isn't even a difficult level in the end. The most difficult ones, when playing the levels the one & only way (Ultra violence starting off with only the pistol and without saving) are probably levels 23 and 29. Or that's how I remember it.

    anyway, theCore, if you think Cybbies are difficult (which they aren't, they are just so goddamn long-lasting), try my level, in which you get to telefrag some Cybbies:


    Telefragging cybbies was indeed the original idea when I started building that level, but the level grew more complex, and is in UV very difficult, but very much possible. I think I've played it through twice on uv without cheating. Doom Mega-mayhem...

  4. Here's a fun one. Shub-Niggurath from Quake.

    I know, I know... once you figure out what you're supposed to do, it's so easy it's sad. But, until you figured it out, how many times did you die trying to blast that ugly bitch away?

    I guess it's an ID software thingie, since the same goes for goonaibuliiivinbulitilahexamileuu aka Icon thrower alias John Romero's Head... Well, I guess it's not that hard to figure out to shoot the brain thingie, but it's not that easy to hit it, so you can start wondering if you are trying to do the correct thing. Anyway, that would be as hard as a cacodemon if you could aim upwards. :P

  5. Dude' date=' you all forgot those stupid monsters in Cobra Triangle. Well, the first 2 aren't that bad but after that... Not to mention that to even get to the 3rd or 4th monster in that game is freaking impossible because of the icebergs. The reach the finish iceberg level is death.[/quote']

    Cobra Triangle is so freakin' hard. The one boss has one-hit kills for goodness sakes, and the shark boss you have to get multiple, good, solid hits EVERY time he pops up, which in itself is a miracle, because you will run out of time if you don't. So hard.


    Cobra triangle was hard and especially those time limit bosses can be bitchy. There were some 23 levels or something? And 2 or 3 bosses in the end? The fire dragon that didn't take that much hits and the shark at least. Any way, it's a game from RARE, so it's a good game, so I beat it. :)

    Battletoads (from RARE) wasn't that easy either but it stayed interesting to the end and everytime you tried you got a little bit further. One of the best NES games...

  6. Another thing: dont smack him wiff While elements. Dont even look at your white elements. Just lay the physical beatdown on him thick and heavy and use greens to heal.

    Another BAB (Bad Arse Boss)-

    Marion from Double Dragon 3. Any dissagreements? ^_^

    yea what he said

    Well, okay, I don't disagree with this, but I have to make a tiny correction. Marion is the maid, Noiram is the bitch. :)

  7. The hardest boss ever is the final boss in DOOM2. I know that it's just a picture on the wall, but hundreds of enemies popping up behind you can be kinda distracting.

    Muah... piece of cake. Not 100% success if playing on Ultra Violence + (that is ultra violence with faster enemies and enemy fire). But, when you don't know how to beat it (that is to hit the exact spot), it's... well, I think the boss would be better with a larger area to hit but having to use more rockets...

    John Romero's head sure is scary. :P

  8. another impossible game for you' date=' Super Ghosts and Ghouls for SNES, that game was also freaking impossible, I don't think i ever even beat the first level.[/quote']

    It's quite difficult, but I played till it said that I'd have to find a key from a previous level to get further... Cheese...

    anyhoo, difficult or not, the question was about bosses.

    you wanna talk about a game that is freaking impossible' date=' try Gauntlet 2 for NES, one of the hardest games ever...[/quote']

    It never ended!!! NEVER!!! I wasted years with the game on and a second player to beat that game! Never did I succeed.

    When I was younger, I played Gauntlet 2 for about 4 hours once... I got to level 254 or something, and that's when I decided that it was unbeatable, especially after levels began to repeat themselves.

    What if there were 255 levels (11111111 in binary)? :P

    (255 was the maximum in rupees in Zelda 1)

  9. Uh. The last boss in Snake Rattle N' Roll. It's a foot that jumps around the summit of a mountain.. Yes, a foot. No matter how much you lick it, it will not die. I never finished the game.

    Yes, that game was wierd. (and had kwel music).


    Chh... not even close to toughest. In fact, as mediocre as it gets.

    My vote for most unfair last boss goes to Shadow Warrior. Haven't tried it that much since it had a feature of superduper-unfairness that made you try it from the beginning of that entire world if you lost the match. And in addition, when you had beat the first part from it that already seemed nearly impossible, there was the second twice as impossible part left to beat.

    (or this is how I remember it)

  10. this is definitely a good remix of adrian's asleep, from... crud, i forget... bloodfalls, dunno the map number.

    I don't hear anything from the bloodfalls level (level 25 by the way) but at least in the end this sounds like the Pit -level. Anyway, didn't really like this mix. Too unrecognizable. And I know my doom, you know. ;) Actually I still haven't bumped into a really good doom mix.

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