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Winged Cat

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Posts posted by Winged Cat

  1. Nice, but there are some disadvantages related to differentiation with other artists, e.g. music genre tags would have to be written as "video game acoustic", "video game electro", it looks weird. And the same situation with other tags. The only advantage is that you can find a list of songs by game tag. In wikia you can get only a list of albums including required song. But MB has precious few vgm cover artists and adding the content and tags would have to be made almost from scratch.

  2. http://video-game-music-covers.wikia.com is a wiki-database dedicated ONLY to VGM Cover Artists (in comparison with other VGM related sites).

    In fact, we have great VGMdb database, but this wiki is intended to have that what VGDdb still doesn't have (if will at all). The following reasons to have and support this wiki:

    • Search by Genres. This ability has important practical use. I can find covers played with harp, oboe and saxophone :-D. As for me, search by genre helped me very much on another chiptune wiki to find a lot of good music.
    • Search by Countries. Not so practical use, but interesting.
    • ONLY VGM cover artists. In VGMdb they are not divided from composers of original music. It's just convenient here in this case.
    • Search by GAMES. There is a search by games in VGMdb, but there are not so many games, because only staff can add new ones and they don't hurry to add them all.
    • Search by any other categories. It is wiki engine after all.

    Now there are:

    240 artists

    24 countries

    40 genres

    And so on. If you'll find good music via this wiki - that means that is useful and needful:-D. http://vgmwiki.net/wiki/Main_Page - someone started it a year ago, now it is abandoned There is a mess, but some information may come in handy.

    Help, comments, suggestions and PR are appreciated.

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