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Everything posted by jamesbattams

  1. Nice track man. My main critique is it's a little bit too full on. Like it's BAMBAMBAM the whole way. Maybe try toning it down or switching it up a bit in certain section. I really like the change around 1:20. I think you should build on that a bit. Maybe focus on the percussive aspect there instead of the guitar. But otherwise really cool track. Here's my take on a Boss Battle theme if you're interested - https://soundcloud.com/james-battams/challenge-accepted-boss-battle-theme
  2. I'm from Brisbane and I'm in to composition. I study Music and Sound production at university. This is an 'early boss battle theme' I wrote yesterday - https://soundcloud.com/james-battams/challenge-accepted-boss-battle-theme You can find most of my other tracks on that soundcloud - http://www.soundcloud.com/james-battams I'm also in an electro-acoustic band called "Ümbra". You can find us here - http://www.soundcloud.com/umbraband
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