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Posts posted by CGrail

  1. This is cool, I absolutely love your synth lead, and the way it slides around while soloing is something else. The multiple sections of the song you have going on is pretty cool too. Not sure I would have picked up on any of the story behind it from just listening, but I always like a concept behind some music. Something I'd suggest is fixing up some of the MIDI for your drums, the parts sound good but very robotic at times. 5:36 is the one fill that really stood out for that, I think if you change up some velocities and timing it would help. But still, it's a pretty well put together project, lots of cool prog metal influences going on. 

  2. I like this! I love the way you add new moments and elements to keep things interesting. That's what I always strive to do, and it seems like you've got a decent idea. The song has a pretty cool vibe, I could see this in some sort of fast paced boss fight or something. 

  3. I really like the composition here. The pirate one really sounds the part, with all the right intrumentation to my ears. One thing I'd suggest is try to loosen up some of the parts. For example the strings providing a staccato rhythm sound a bit rigid and robotic, a little bit of changing up velocity and timing on your Midi can go a long way.

    The space one is cool, the transition into the more driving part was nice. Somewhat unrelated but I thought it was a funny coincidence that I was literally about to make a thread about my new track "Journey to the Groovy Depths of Space" before I read this. 

    The third one was cool, I really liked once the strings come in. Fills the space well

  4. 11 hours ago, jane said:

    Legend, thanks for listening.

    Can you spotlight any 00:00 where said guitars might be annoying? I'm so deaf to it right now.

    Around 2:34 is one of the spots I noticed. Maybe even bringing the lead down just a touch would help. Just sounds a bit seperate from the rest.

  5. Didn't know what to expect when I opened this up, but I really dig it. Then again I am a weirdo fan of heavy music. Right off the bat I thought of some Strapping Young Lad/Devin Townsend influence, which is always a good thing for me.

    But aside from that the track sounds good! A few of the lead guitars kind of stuck out to me as being too loud or seperated from the rest EQ wise. Overall though a pretty solid mix, maybe some mids could be carved out for a cleaner sound.

    I'll have to check out some more of your stuff.

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