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Posts posted by koopakid

  1. Hello folks,

    KoopaKid here just found out about this website (kicking myself in the face.gif), and Im a producer for about 8 years now from memphis (like to say im from the MS River). Always loved video games and the music in them inspired me to create so sometimes I take from games I play. For some reason I can't sample or remix i until i beat it haha so still no skyrim lol(going on 3 years?). I'm more of a rap/hip hop producer but I have covered almost everything now, but I really love mixing video games and rap.


    Here are links to my video game remixes and samples:

    Final Fantasy 8 - Find Your Way sample/remix:https://soundcloud.com/koopakid93/battleviii

    Robocop (SNES): https://soundcloud.com/koopakid93/megaman

    Okami (rough) : https://soundcloud.com/koopakid93/okami

    I also have starfox 64, paper mario, mario tennis/golf, and super smash bros i will upload to OCR.

    Can't wait to get active on the site and meet everyone and make some awesome remixes!

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