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Posts posted by Halo1

  1. Awesome early 90s VG music:

    • Amiga intro:

    • Amiga in-game:
      (starts looping around 4:20)
    • DOS in-game:
      (Adlib; starts looping around 2:32 — similar to the Amiga version in several ways, but different enough to be its own song as far as I'm concerned)

    The game has only a single in-game song that repeats forever, even during interstitials. Additionally, it has no sound effects at all, so the music is quite dominant and yet I still often used to simply /listen/ to the DOS version rather than play it :) I never got tired of it.

    As for possible genres, I think the songs lend themselves to several styles, from chiptune to various kinds of rock and metal, or more techno-like. I can also imagine a more ambient adaptation for the in-game music. I currently have the original versions of these songs in several playlists, and I'd be very happy if I could add some remixes to that!

    Thanks in advance!

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