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Ludicrous Studios

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Posts posted by Ludicrous Studios

  1. Hello! Publicly on the internet community, I am 3Rr0r -- but this account is made so that anyone in my organization may come in and post. Hopefully, you shall be speaking to someone known as DJDSDSTORT most of the time (If anyone cares :P).

    OC Remix was came upon when, by some freak accident, our channel was added to the contacts list of it. So we were able to talk to OC, in theory. However, our attempts failed when we tried to talk with them, so I became curious enough to check out the website itself. This was after I grew enamored with the nostalgia-inducing music and the insane renditions of amazing titles. And now here I am.

    If anyone has suffered the nonsense I just went through, then I would like to ask one question. I understand that OC's music is free, and I am curious to know if the channel I am backing is allowed to use it. That is the main reason we wanted to talk with the organization to badly -- so we can make use of this amazing music.

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