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Posts posted by JCWithTheRojoT

  1. Heeeellloooo everyone!

    My name is Joshua Carraway (aka JCWithTheRojoT). I'm sure I'm introducing myself in the wrong place, right? xD It's been an aspiration of mine for awhile to have at least one remix featured on OC Remix. Well, here's my attempt. It's already been submitted via e-mail using all the required submission standards. I'd like to hear some feedback. Don't hold back and be as blunt as possible, I can take it! Besides, how else is anyone supposed to learn?

    Oh yeah, almost forgot! It's a remix of Naofumi Hataya's "Mode Select" from the Sega Saturn version of Sega Rally Championship. More specifically, from the album "Competition / Sega Rally Championship Complete", released in 1996. http://vgmdb.net/album/4847

    Here's the remix: https://soundcloud.com/jcwiththerojot/flying-dirt-for-mode-select


    EDIT - Actually, never mind. I took the track down. A few hours later and I'm not happy with it. xDD

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