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Posts posted by audiclian

  1. Well, I feel like you will likely be asked to rerecord it at some point, or equalize it if you have that option; there are points throughout the song (listening both on speakers and with my ATH-M50 headphones) with clipping and the low notes of the guitar were not coming through as clearly as you'd probably like.

    Also, upon re-listening and listening to the source again, I noticed that while you have the chord progression and a lot of the notes played by the instruments in the the source, you do not have a very strong part to play the main horn melody. A friend of mine listened as well (another LoD fan, who has the OST on his iPod) said that he was unable to tell that it was the Royal Castle theme, and I think that is because a lack of that melody. And yes, flesh out your individual solo to make it more distinct from the main melody, and try experimenting with the lower strings - just keep in mind the balancing/EQ issue mentioned above when doing that.

  2. Hi Kat,

    I was listening to your piece and I think that's a strong start or sample for a remixed piece. I haven't played LoD in a very long time so I forget the actual tune of the source mater. However, I can definitely identify a very relaxed, medieval vibe from your recording. That said, it definitely needs more to flesh it out. Are you currently considering any modifications to the piece already? If not, I would recommend some (possibly light) percussion to emphasize the rhythm and other instrumentation, if possible with what you're working with.

    Looking forward to hearing more from an LoD remix!

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