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Posts posted by TheNewellGuy

  1. Hello there! This my first thread on here sharing my work but don't be afraid to be honest with me.

    My attempt at creating a somewhat more modern sounding version of this track (albeit using an ancient version of garageband).

    I'd especialy like some advice on capturing the harmonica-like tone on the lead voice and maybe on ways to better end the song.

    Headphones/stereo speakers are recommended.




    Thanks for listening.

  2. I really like what you've done, it's a very clever way of interpreting the song just by changing the tempo.

    It makes it feel very anthemic, like it's the theme to some sci-fi movie. I do feel you could capitalise on this by utilising more changes in dynamics.

    Overall I find it's quite loud enough as it is (you'll wanna watch out for a couple volume spikes here and there in fact), you're just missing some quiet parts.

    Well done nonetheless.

  3. Hello everyone and Merry Christmas to all of you!

    My name is Michael, I'm a music student at BIMM Dublin and I've started solo work in the last year or so,

    remixing is a fairly recent thing for me and I aim to hopefully improve my production skills.

    I also play drums for a rock band called Look To The Lady which is steadily gaining momentum!

    Good to meet you all, hopefully we'll work together on a project or two!

    Youtube & Soundcloud:



    My Band!!:




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