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Posts posted by opkslava

  1. I have this really stupid habit of organizing everything by genre/mood of the song and removing songs i don't really enjoy. Disabling two thousand files after searching whether i have them in a heap of folders would prove even more difficult than downloading the rest by hand from the main site. Sadly i haven't found the torrent client capable of sorting the files by their id3 tags. To make matters worse, chrome has this thing about playing mp3 files, instead of downloading them when clicking the download link. Well, better brace myself, as i already said the music is just too good to pass up. Thanks for the replies.


  2. Hello folks, i have a little question regarding the torrents on the site. Back when i was downloading those huge 1k remix batches i got 1-1000, 1000-2000 and 2000-2500 ones. Now it seems they have been put into big 1-3000 torrent. Is there any way to get 2500-3000 or even 2000-3000 ones without having to download all those and sorting through them over and over again? I've been sorting the remixes i downloaded from you guys for quite awhile now, don't want to start it all over again and downloading 500 songs one by one is a hassle i would rather no go through if i can. If not, then oh well, i'll have to, the music is just too good to pass up.


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