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Posts posted by Tregan

  1. As I stared at my monitor, wide-eyed, gaping-mouthed, only one thought was running through my head: this is awesome. this is great. this is beautiful. this is amazing. this is gorgeous. Well, I guess that was more than one thought, but it's all the same.

    I'm very, very impressed with this piece. A slow, sad song to begin with, you captured the very essence of the piece while enriching its flavor and... wow, I'm bad at this. You did great, we'll leave it at that. :)

  2. Ya know, why do you have to be so good? I've never remixed anything before, but if I did, I would use this song to judge my work on. When I say words can't describe how awesome this was, I mean it... here was my reaction after hearing it:



    /e goes on a personal crusade to download any and all music authored, modified, or remixed by AE :wink:

  3. OMG. Another _GREAT_ work of art. It's so radically (haha) different from all of the other Remixes here, but that's what makes it kick that much more ass. If only I knew a drummer, this would be one of the first songs I would attempt to cover - with your permission of course ;] - and I'm afraid that the best I could hope for wouldn't be 1/8th as awesome as this. Phenomenal.

  4. Good lord, for anyone who has subs in their car, take this song, burn it on a cd, and go play it at night....WOW! The bass in this song is absolutely incredible! I'm always afraid I'm gonna blow my speakers....wow! I must say I realllllly like this mix, it's well done, and has a lot of good things happening in it. :)

    I couldn't agree more. It's just... amazing. Words don't do it justice. :)

    Awesome awesome awesome.

  5. This was the first taste of OCReMix I'd ever had, and boy was I impressed. Great tune, better remix... certainly a job [extremely] well done.

    On a side-note, a friend of mine just put some 'woofers in his car. It sounds unbelievable. Great, great bass tune, without going overboard... unless you want it to... *cranks up the sub volume* :wink:

    Superdy-duper job.

  6. I love it. I don't know what to say... I've heard a few remixes and covers of this theme, but this is definitely my favorite. If the NES could have had the audio capabilities we have today, this would be exactly how the original should have sounded... in which case this wouldn't be original at all! Copyright infringement, anyone?! :wink:

    Great job, AE.

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