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Posts posted by djakestudio

  1. I'm interested in contributing for Smash Bros. Wii U.  Being new to OCR I thought I'd get a start on a remix then see if it's what you're looking for.

    Here's my WIP as it currently stands: https://soundcloud.com/djake-studio/remix-super-smash-bro-wii-u-untitled-wip  As it is currently there is a lot to work on but I think its a substantial start.

    If that's what you're looking for I'll commit to finishing it for this project if not I'll still finish it either way just not on a deadline.

    I haven't done a whole lot by way of remixing but you can check out my soundcloud for recent examples of tracks I've done or my bandcamp for a lot of the electronic music I've done less recently. 

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