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Posts posted by XNEGD

  1. 9 hours ago, Meteo Xavier said:

    It bothers me that a music maker with your level of knowledge in this line of work seems to have ignored the part where not everyone is even physically capable of singing, much less has the proper talent for it. Things like autotune exist to help people in that capacity and unless you quit doing music via software and are using hardware only, don't argue it back.

    Something more helpful - MIDI is a universal electronic language that lets you automate music, effects, knobs, etc. between software, hardware, and much more. It's a bigger subject than I could really delve into here, but a good, specific starting point for you is that NO, you do not need a MIDI keyboard. Your audio software should be very equipped to let you program MIDI language, so you just need to learn how your software let you go in to edit MIDI data, learn how your autotune software is set up to accept MIDI data (they're all different in my experience, you just need to refer to the manual) and get to practicing on it.

    An example: In FL Studio I have a plugin called "MIDI OUT" that goes into the same list as the instruments I have loaded up. In another instrument, I have to go to a window, have it assign a MIDI channel, go to MIDI OUT and set it for that same channel and now I can control things for that instrument. There are virtual knobs on MIDI OUT and I can assign them (via a universal code set called CC numbers) volume, panning, vibrato and a lot of other things. I program the MIDI language by drawing shapes in a specifically assigned window in FL Studio, like having a song fade in or fade out. If I have described that simply enough, you have a starting point for how MIDI works in a capacity that is relevant to you.

    MIDI is kind of a pain in the ass, but if I can learn how to do it, you can. It just takes some practice and memorizing where to assign things. Consult your manual, look up some tutorials on Youtube and practice it. You'll get it.

    thank you.

  2. i've been trying tirelessly for the entire time i've been making music to achieve the autotune effect that allows you to autotune your voice while the autotune software snaps to every note you hit regardless of what key the song is in, but i just don't know how that works.

    i use antares autotune 8 and i believe how one gets this effect is choosing the option on antares autotune called "Target Notes via MIDI" but tbh idek what MIDI is exactly. will this mean i need a MIDI keyboard to connect to my computer and when i select "Target Notes via MIDI" will the software snap to every note i hit regardless of the key of a song.

    i really need some help with this it will really elevate my music and ill be able to hit any note and construct any melody on any song, much like Travis Scott does when he performs; he sings and the autotune works automatically (so to speak) like in the video below. 


    if anyone can help me out it would be so much appreciated, im sure its probably very simple but i just cant figure it out.
  3. 14 hours ago, Gario said:

    Wouldn't posting it on here make that 21 websites? :P

    Not a bad straight rap track, though. Clean, decent production values, pretty solid rapping. The backing music is a little repetitive, but it works for what you're going for. Nice work.

    ayy thankks fam i appreciate it, ima keep working on getting better for sure and ahahaha u right 21 ayyy thanks for checking it out i appreciate it, have a good day.

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