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Posts posted by OMC

  1. You know, I'm open to any style, really! I think it could be fun to work with multiple artists too--get one track in techno trance style, one in metal, one in dubstep, one in ska. I just like the variety and artistry that goes with hearing a familiar tune in a new format.

    If you or anyone else is interested and has a rate in mind, feel free to message it to me. I'll probably be making decisions after I've gathered a bit more info, so I can decide budget stuff. I'll be happy to send along any files I can too.

    Thank you for your reply!

  2. Hi all!

    I've got a few tracks I'm interested in having remixed. Here's the first, written by basically my favorite composer, Johan Hargne:


    I have it broken down into some individual tracks as well. It's the theme for a game development competition I put on every year.

    Then, I've also got a few tracks I wrote myself for a game project of mine. I'm not the best composer in the world, and I'd like to see what some pros could do with it. :) I write my music in Pro Tools, so I can provide the original session files or exported MIDIs.


    The last one is this theme (also written by Johan) from my puzzle game:


    I love remixes and would love to have alternate takes on the tunes mixed for use in various videos and soundtracks. 

    These would all be paid! Let me know if you're interested, and thanks!

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