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Posts posted by nody

  1. Hi there, I've been working on some remixes and have picked up music again after a long time due to life/health reasons etc. and I'm enjoying myself so far :) 

    I'd like to get some feedback on this remix I've prepared, and I've got a couple more ideas as well so I'm hoping I can have some luck with getting some of my mixes accepted.


    Friends Area Oceanic

    It's a very atmospheric and minimal take as the source material is not particularly melodic or complex, and as it stands I'm not sure how the arrangement stands in terms of OCRemix standards, but my idea was to create an atmospheric soundscape that reflects the physical environment/theme of the area. Though I'm quite happy in terms of the progress I've made with sound design and creating cool sounds and that I've been able to create from the things that have inspired me :)

    Some things I'm aware of and would like to work on:

    • The mixing was honestly a mess and this and other mixes were made in a way I wouldn't do now. However, I'm determined to salvage it because I quite like the overall idea.
    • minimal references to source material - I can easily find space to insert more of the main motifs from the source, they were mostly left out due to muddiness and to create a clean aesthetic, I didnt want to overwhelm the general synth ideas I had (that water-sounding granular pad) as I wanted to give it room to breathe.
    • bass - I think I'll replace the bass as atm it's a basic sine sub. I couldn't get it to fit very well at all. I took the volume down because it was drowning out, but now it's too quiet.
    • punchy snare - I kind of went with this snare so its sitting, but it sort of fits for me, so I've kind of left it. Like I said I'm mostly trying to salvage the ideas here so I don't know how much I'm going to rework things.
    • drum variation - this can be fixed easily with a little work, but I'd like to see if i'm going in the right direction first!

    That's all for now, I'm worried it might be a little "light" for OCRemix as I wasn't really creating it with anything in mind other than something that sounded good, but I think it has a sort of relaxed ambient kind of vibe that sounds quite nice, as that is the kind of music that most influences me, please let me know what you think!


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