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Posts posted by Soulpuppet38

  1. Hello!!!!!!!


    I’m a student at Pratt Institute and I’m in need of a sound designer/composer for my animated short film. I will be studying abroad in a few weeks in Seoul, South Korea at Korean National University of Arts and most of my interaction, whom whoever decides to take my offer, will take place over the internet.

    The film will be roughly two minutes long and will fit into the genre of dark comedy and horror. I don’t want to go too indepth in the plot.  

    I am looking for someone who is professional with their work, won’t play any games with me, and loves their craft to death.

    I am willing to pay and your name will appear in the credits.

    You can check out my vimeo page. I’m always working on new projects.



    P.S. Below is some info about me

    Currently Brooklyn based and attending Pratt Institute as a part of the Digital Arts Program, Tau is an aspiring computer animator. With an emphasis on character design, animation, and 3D Illustration, he hopes to create an immersive environment to which fans of animation can relate. Being fifth generation college, Tau comes from a family of scholars. His mother (P. Aurora M. Robinson-Baptiste) has obtained both a Bachelors and Masters degree in Architecture, grandmother (Arlene E. King-Robinson) has both Bachelors of Finance in Accounting and a PHD in Law, grandfather (Maxwell Boyd-Robinson) Bachelors of History, great-grandmother(Mattie Livingston-King) has a Bachelors of science in Business, and great great-grandmother(Matilda Boyd) has a Bachelors in Homemaking.

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