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Posts posted by SuprMelO

  1. On 12/18/2021 at 7:46 PM, Devsman said:

    Forgive me if this comes across as Devsman thinks this comment section is his personal blog, but I think this is worth sharing.

    About eight months ago, I was listening to this, and asked myself, why am I still here? So I posted the comment above to let the remixers know it had made me think.

    To provide context, I was an engineer by degree but never managed to get a real engineering job. They just didn't happen where I lived. I was nine years into constantly getting my foot in the door, getting experience in a kinda-sorta-related industry, and more or less just losing hope of ever landing the job I wanted.

    So to be asked why are you still here was like a movie character making eye contact. Of course I knew why--my dream job just didn't happen where I lived.

    But I thought, you know what, that's not insurmountable. I'll do something crazy for once, just for kicks. I actually applied in the next city over, got an offer, and even convinced my family that we should accept and make the move.

    Eight months ago, little kid Devsman would have been ashamed of my job. Today, he would say "you do what?! That's freaking awesome!!!"

    So thank you, remixers, for the wake up call. And to everyone else:

    Your fate is in the stars. Why are you still here?

    What a saga from the previous post to this. I try to put something authentic into our work and I'm humbled that it connected with you.

    Go forth and find your way, friend.

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