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Everything posted by Rikis

  1. For a solid five years, whenever you spoke of MMOs this is the game that came to mind. This was the gorilla in the room. For hundreds of thousands, this theme is extremely nostalgic. It is for me too, as it takes me back to a time of wonder and mystery never again replicated. But as much as I love this song, I realize it has its faults. I would love to hear this be remixed into a more orchestral piece. An instrument ensemble, I believe, can really make the highs and lows of the song come to life. There are other songs in the game that would be amazing with a harmonious orchestra rework (Kelethin or a myriad of Planes of Power tracks comes to mind), but this is a good introduction. Although I never considered myself a fan of hard rock/heavy metal, at least two such remixes here have proved me capable of enjoying it.
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