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Khappa MJ

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Profile Information

  • Real Name
    Khappa MJ
  • Location
    London (UK) - Milan (IT)
  • Occupation
    Singer / Filmmaker / Digitalartist


Artist Settings

  • Collaboration Status
    2. Maybe; Depends on Circumstances
  • Software - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
    FL Studio
  • Software - Preferred Plugins/Libraries
  • Composition & Production Skills
    Arrangement & Orchestration
    Drum Programming
    Mixing & Mastering
    Synthesis & Sound Design
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (List)
    Vocals: Male
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (Other)

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Khappa MJ's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. Please consider the video-making and ot the songs. Thank you very much for your help about my next video.
  2. Im working to my new album with tons of new things and soundstyles. I just wanna post my old works before new album... latest music video. Support my work please, add it to your fav playlist, share it, like it, dislike it, comment it, get in touch on Youtube too Music Playlist Khappa MJ - Music playlist Pure Energy Khappa MJ - Pure Energy
  3. Hi guys i just got few requests about my songs with lyrics,this is the first one.Please i really need much support. Come to my renewed channel and share it, comment it, add my videos to your playlist, invite friends and subscribe to my channelyou're amazing,love you Flashback plus Lyrics ORIGINAL VIDEO Flashback original music Video
  4. hi im a videomaker and musician too, my channel also have a vlog that i wanna make bigger. So feel free to ask if you need help
  5. Hi guys, that's been my first video made with a old crew. Many of the CG is 2D style and inspired to the 8bits and 16bits old games. Try to discover the meanings of every animations. I thought it could be funny for this community to share it, so please get in touch, sub to my channel, share it to your friends I wanna be Nerd - Khappa MJ
  6. That's been my last music video made with my crew, im actually working to new productions. Please guys I just need your support, YT comments, opinions, Subscribe to My Channel and if you like it share it... so get in touch ok? [Indie - Dance] Pure Energy - Khappa MJ
  7. Hi Bren, please let me tell you about a simple and working tecnique I just tried in my new single (still under development but I will publish an example if needed). If you need a controllable electric guitar sound, you can create it using a subtractor synth (Poison) for instance, then equalize cutting low-bass frequencies between 800 to 2000 khz then use "Hardcore" plugin just trying different preset or make your own. The new created sound is professional and modern Just that
  8. Hi, just joined this amazing community. Im not a Youtube properly, cause I use my channel for my music and film productions, im an artist (under label and studio ). I would be so glad to get in touch with mny other youtubers and exchange info adn advices Khappa MJ Youtube channel
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