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Posts posted by COEURLAMARI

  1. https://soundcloud.com/coeurlamari/smooth-buster-remix-of-rude-buster-from-deltarune

    Hey all, I finished a funky little remix of this already extremely funky bop and I'd welcome some thoughts on it. Not sure if it's good enough for OCR so I don't mind if anyone really takes it seriously that way or not, but it was sure fun to make and I hope it's an enjoyable listen. :)

    I did some different stuff chords-wise than the original, tried to do my own thing in parts to really make it my own, and I also didn't make every note a perfect 1:1 cover, so hopefully my choices weren't too offensive.

  2. Hello all,

    This is a remix of the level BGM 'SCOURGE' from the indie game They Bleed Pixels. The version here is the edit that is used in-game

    I've got it in a state I would consider as "finished" in that I'm happy with it and it has a coherent start-to-finish, but I would like to try getting it ready for submission soon and would like some feedback. I'll disclose that this will be my first time attempting to do so and, while I'm not especially experienced making music yet or have very sophisticated tools, I do understand a lot of the tenets of production quality and as long as you're clear explaining any problems or flaws you might be hearing, I'll do my best to fix them. Thanks in advance.


    If you would prefer I use a different platform than SC to post this, please let me know.

  3. hello everyone. i just joined but i've been enjoying OCR content since at least 2005-2006. i started making my own music in 2009 and it's been one of my bucket list items to get a remix up on OCR someday. i'm sure megalovania remix submissions are a dime a dozen but here i go anyway.

    Tindeck link for those who prefer it since I know soundcloud is going to make it sound a little swooshy

    I finished this about a month ago and i've been toying with the idea of reworking and polishing it for submission to OCR, but ultimately i just don't know if it's good enough. anyone at all who's interested in telling me what i could be doing better is more than welcome to. i don't know for sure if I will end up submitting this song specifically or if i'll do something else entirely, but I really need to know what to work on as an artist. laypeople/non-audio engineer types have told me it sounds good, but i'm anxious that there are problems with dynamics/mixing/etc under the surface that I don't even realize are there. just lay it on me, be honest if there's something i'm blatantly doing wrong. i want to improve. making music is one of the things i'm most passionate about and I want to get better.

    I made this song entirely in a DAW called Auxy, which is free ipad app, though i used a lot of extra instrument packs bought in-app. im not very rich, so i only have a couple pairs of half-decent headphones to monitor mixing and dynamics in different-sounding headphones, aside from listening off my computer speakers. I'll likely buy a pair of Sennheiser or Bose cans for the purpose of making music specifically down the road, but for now I'm making do with a couple of Sony and RockCandy earbuds that were like 10-20 bucks.

    Again, any feedback from anyone is greatly appreciated. Thank you.

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