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Posts posted by JumiAurum

  1. So I'm aware this is going to sound stupid/crazy, but this has been bothering me for... over a decade now.

    Back in high school, pre-2005, I had 8 whole songs on my brand new fancy MP3 player. My favorite was a remix of Chrono Cross.
    Somewhere along the way, between computers, I lost the file for that song, and eventually the MP3 player containing it died, too. I could never again find the old random website I had originally found it on (pretty sure it wasn't here).

    I -think- I just found an old school project flash file buried in a forum I used back then, of all things, with the music in a background. The post it was on was from 2005, so I know the song was from that time or before.
    As such, I found a site to convert flash to MP3, loaded the MP3 to soundcloud, and then came here to post where it's most likely to encounter someone who knows. I even created my account here after 15+ years of lurking.
    In all honesty it's been so long, I could have the wrong song, but I'm about 90% sure this is the one that's been driving me crazy for years.


    Can anyone identify the real name and author of this song? You'd be helping me finally put a brain-tickling frustration to rest at long last.

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