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Electronic Samurai

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Posts posted by Electronic Samurai

  1. Hey guys, I was watching a Minecraft related machinima on Youtube called

    when I noticed that Reuben Kee's song Ascension to Cosmo Canyon was attributed to someone called Talonius on Newgrounds. He's rehosted the song, and renamed it A Journey Never-Ending.

    Is there anything that can be done about this? I hate to see people getting away with things like this. At the very least, I'd like to see the Minecraft short be properly attributed.

  2. This is fantastic.

    It's a 3-part feature-length musical sung from the perspective of a mad scientist villain, directed by...wait for it...Joss Whedon! The first 3 episodes are already available on the site - the last one will be aired July 19th, and then all three will be taken down on the 20th.

  3. Hey guys, I'm on the hunt for remixes with a cool Christmas vibe for a CD. I'm preparing a stealth insertion of videogame music into my household well in advance. So far, items on my hotlist include:

    - Frappe Cafe Vibe by Joshua Morse

    - Mario's Sleigh Ride by the OneUps

    Does anyone know of any other holidayesque remixes I can slip into an unsuspecting household's musical selection?

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