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Eightyhundreds Even

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Posts posted by Eightyhundreds Even

  1. I got the inspiration for this piece when replaying the Neverwinter Nights main campaign a while ago and hearing the lizardfolks again after many years - surprised how metal they sounded.

    [light spoiler alert] for those who might care about this: the video displays some shoddy gameplay of the final battle to loosely accompany the arrangement and its intended narrative, so it reveals some of the boss's quirks


    The main source for the song is the Final Battle theme, but it also includes the NWN Main theme melody line where the original song would go into a variation (0:58). The main theme, besides being sublime, was a natural choice to provide space for the choruses (the variation is left till the end). Parts have also been swapped in regards to the source material: the remix starts where the original would end before looping back (around 1:12).

    The most fun I had working with this was transcribing and rearranging the voice acting into the vocals as they are heard, by cutting and combining sentences, positioning, and time stretching the audio. Some phonemes were missing for the new sentence structures and had to be created by combining other words present in the recording (e.g. the stressed n in again at 1:35).

    And although it's mostly Morag's soliloquy, her Chosen warriors are heard shouting as well (regardless of what the topic title says).


    I hope you'll find this interesting!

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