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Profile Information

  • Real Name
  • Location
    Modesto, CA, USA
  • Occupation
  • Interests
    Composing music, Gran Turismo, Pizza.

Artist Settings

  • Collaboration Status
    3. Very Interested
  • Software - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
  • Software - Preferred Plugins/Libraries
    Addictive Drums, Omnisphere, Trillian, Diva, RealGuitar, Ableton convolution reverb, Ableton modulation delay, Ableton glue compressor, Ozone 11 spectrum
  • Composition & Production Skills
    Arrangement & Orchestration
    Drum Programming
    Mixing & Mastering
    Recording Facilities
    Synthesis & Sound Design
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (List)
    Acoustic Guitar
    Electric Bass
    Electric Guitar: Lead
    Electric Guitar: Rhythm
    Vocals: Male
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (Other)
    Launch pad X by Novation

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  1. That rhythm rhodes.. dig it. It's an omnisphere party. ON_THAT_RHODES.mp3
  2. dropping some heavy xv-5808 bass on this one. enjoy. New_Dance_Project.mp3
  3. Could not post track in OP. Here it is. http://sndup.net/t82qk
  4. Here's one to you, alph lyla. Cheers.. thanks for all the great feels. It wasn't intended as tribute, but I feel I have outdone myself, and it's a reasonable conclusion. I suppose it could equally be a Spencer Nilsen tribute.. Heh. I wear my influences on my sleeve. If you dig Capcom, and butt rock, honestly who doesn't, enjoy this one. https://www.bandlab.com/track/311eb4a5-a894-ef11-8474-6045bd375453?revId=2d1eb4a5-a894-ef11-8474-6045bd375453
  5. A love letter. Enjoy. It's not perfect. It's the rushed, but loved, arrangement of a pretty fun improv session. On the keys, all is synthesized. No manual sequencing, just very little arrangement. I've learned an incalculable amount of musical wisdom here, just lurking. Occasionally emberrassing myself with a release... THANK YOU ALL. https://www.bandlab.com/track/2d7cd631-3a8e-ef11-8474-6045bd375453?revId=2c7cd631-3a8e-ef11-8474-6045bd375453
  6. See if you can count the number of key shifts.... excessivemod.mp3
  7. https://www.bandlab.com/cooliscool707/live-again-4b76e413?revId=bb28f207-dbeb-ee11-85fb-000d3a425266 as my guitar gently weeps.... Live_Again.mp3
  8. SUPERH_IV.mp3 SUPERH_IV.mp3 https://www.bandlab.com/cooliscool707/super-h-iv-cf002771?revId=412b0699-ceeb-ee11-85fb-000d3a425266 viva AM2 - let's set our SH2 hearts alight with this Sega-mimetic jam. My magnum opus, redacting my previous post, "inspired", which was a complete and utter mess. I am really proud of the performances in this one, especially the slaps on the electric bass, I would love feedback. It's all improvised; hit record, play instrument, see what I got. This is the result. Starting with the drums to a metronome, then e-bass, then softsynths. I've upgraded my sound equipment, new monitors & computer, so the tool related sonic sins of my past should be much improved. Instrumentation: MIDI keyboard triggering Roland Cloud SRX SoftSynths, e-bass, MIDI drums triggering Addictive Drums, into Ableton Live, using Ableton's EQ, glue compressor, tube sim, cabinet sim, reverb, delay, and mod delay.
  9. inspired.wav
  10. To be my 1st official single. Overhead is too hot, sorry. https://sndup.net/wqrf/
  11. Some festive keyboards for y'all (titled "my mod wheel smells.like burning rubber", hehe). I've refined my master strip and got new speakers, thanks to hemophiliac's advice, so mixing should be much nicer than recent submissions. Happy holidays.
  12. (So named "some waveforms" after the square arpeggio & sawtooth lead, I'm very original I know) Instrumentation: synths (keyboard performances), electric bass
  13. ignore previous post, bad file. Still compositionally constipated, aurally awful and sonically sinful, but its on the way to becoming some serious Tallarico Tango - a stabby, arpy dance jam. The bassline from Buttville is such a versatile and timeless progression, rhythm, st al, that it fills me with ideas. Just an update for the record. It slams pretty hard when played LOUD, even as imperfect & impotent much still is. It contains many errors outright, but is coalescing, I mean to say, in so many puns.
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