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Posts posted by Shadow_317

  1. Honestly, the song would resound off of the heart of any who have faced the mighty ganondorf.

    Surely there is some brave soul who could remix this piece of work better than I could ever hope to, so please come forth. I cant find the song anywhere on the net, but if someone could I'd love your music no matter how much time you put into it.

    Dont screw it up; in fact, listen to Jared Hudson's Final Summoning (FF-X) before hand and consider the posibilities. Heh, I'm willing to stake my soul on no one coming up with a great remix, given the song and the in-your-face style that it follows.

    It's not even on this site, so I hope that someone can find it. If you think you can, don't think. Just know. It's a great piece, and wouldn't be shamed so long as you follow the origional, perhaps rave style to cover it's repetitive nature.

    Someone, please, consider this song as your next great work, as it would be the single most greatest song heard on OCremix.org, except for the fact that there is no method of grading every song on this site to the point of giving awards.

    I've been a troll since high school, and I'm 21 now, so that's about 6 years of loving video game remixes. Zelda is the OG of great non-RPGs with an awesome story. Get on it, and show the world what a great song this is!!



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