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Posts posted by IamtheAlieo01

  1. well Bioware will now go to Shait. EA doesnt care that much about good games, all they care about is how much money they can get from it, my broke copies of command and conquer is proof of that. Bye, Bye Bioware, i barely knew ye.

  2. Heya guys, a while back (before the site was restructured again) someone had put up a post asking for remixes with singing in it. I searched the forums to try to find said list, but could not, so i would ask you guys to try to help me find them again, and put them back up, or steer me towards and already made one. Thanks for the help guys, and I have two recent ones to start with.

    http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01537/ "Summoner's love"

    http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01573/ "Forever until tommorrow"

    thanks in advance for the help guys

  3. I have played both WoW and Rappelz. Rappelz is prolly one of the best of the free to play mmos out there, but it isnt as good as wow, if you like games where all you do is quest grind, then play rappelz.

  4. Additionally, Vulcan Raven, a character I somewhat sympathized with in the original was turned into a typical bad guy type. I thought Raven was special because in the original he seemed like a noble guy just doing a job. In TwinSnakes they turned him more evil, at least that was the feeling I got. I felt as if that character change really detractracted from much of that small characters charm.

    I didn't feel they made him more of a bad guy than the original, Vulcan explains himself a bit more in the TS, but i still get the feeling that vulcan did what he did to test Himself and Snake.

  5. Most of the suggestions I have seen have been pretty good ones, but I suggest you avoid the animes like Naruto, Bleach, and One Piece if you dont like seeing one fight stetched out over a few episodes. I would recommed a couple animes named Shingetsutan Tsukihime, and

    Utawarerumono. Both of these probably have the best stories of all the anime I have seen, and I think you will enjoy them.

  6. HEHE i can't belive you are forgetting the crappest game of them all, Battle Toads for the Genesis. The game was all sorts of crappy. The enemies where annoying, and stupid at the same time (damn Ravens). The 1st and 2cd Air/jetski levels where so annoyingly hard that you wanted to tear you eye-balls out. Finally the last reason was that it was so damn additive that you kept coming back for more torture. :)

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