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  1. Hey thanks! Positive feedback is always appreciated. I read up on as much "getting into the industry" material as I can (like on gamedev.net), and the phrase that gets thrown around a lot is "code sample." In the case of my demo, the code is probably somewhere around 10 thousand lines (because EVERYTHING I did is from scratch: skinning/animation, terrain, rendering/shaders, collision detection, pathfinding, user interface, fonts, etc.). I was planning on submitting a few pieces of my best work from the demo, specifically ones that can stand well enough on their own as independent samples and that give an accurate reading of my programming ability. I had never considered sending in ALL of the code before I read your post though, so that got me thinking. I have a buddy who works for EA and another who works at an independent studio, so I'll check with them to see if they suggest sending everything. In any case, thanks much for bringing it up and getting me thinking about it so I can make sure I'm doing the right thing when I apply! By the way, do you work in the industry?
  2. Yet another update! I've completed what I set out to do for the purposes of getting a game programming job. Of course things still need some more testing, but I'm very satisfied with how things turned out. After it survives the gauntlet of testing and evaluation by friends, I'll be off applying to some studios! I hope to continue the project and turn it into a full-fledged game. Until then, here's a video of the completed demo for anyone who happens to be interested: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-6131301367737921666&hl=en
  3. So, I've finished quite a bit since last post. Here's a new video: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=2899898487604563849&hl=en It shows the basic gameplay for the demo. Anybody good with sound effects that would like to contribute?
  4. Awesome! I loved "Path-ology," and "The Third Garden" sounds pretty sweet too. I think something like that would be great, especially if the tempo could be bumped up a bit to make things a bit more heart-pounding. I guess there's not much reason to limit this to one track either, so if anyone else is interested, I can probably cycle between 2-3 tracks.
  5. Howdy all, I've been a huge fan of OC ReMix for years now. I'm constantly amazed at the musical talent that can be found here. It just so happens that I'm need of some musical assistance, so I figured this would be the best place to look. First a little background info, and then the request (I apologize if this gets lengthy). I'm currently putting together a game demo to use as a resumé booster, to help me break into the game industry as a game programmer. Most game studios want prior experience on a shipping title, which of course makes it hard for newcomers. However, it's definitely still possible, provided you can show you have talent. To that end, I'm developing a from-scratch RTS game demo to showcase my skills (C++ and OpenGL). The goal of this project is not to make a commercial-quality, complete game, but rather to demonstrate my programming abilities. So, it's not perfect, and it especially doesn't look perfect (mainly due to my "programmer art" and the lack of a real artist), but I'm confident it will get me into the industry. I'm currently about 1-2 weeks away from what I will consider to be a complete demo. To prove that I'm serious, I present a small video that showcases what I have so far: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8574347160837495315 This video demonstrates the terrain engine, the friendly player unit (a simple tank), the enemy unit (a floating, sentient geological entity), pathfinding, fog of war, and more. The game takes place on Mars (hence the punny title, "Red Rover"). While the units can't yet attack (hopefully have that done in a day or two), I've included lots of clips of what happens when units get killed (what can I say, it's the coolest part). I'm looking for an original background music track that I can play during the demo. I would like something similar to Frank Klepacki's old-school Command and Conquer tracks, something that is fast-paced, exciting, etc. It doesn't have to be particularly long, but needs to be loopable. I prefer to have the track in Ogg Vorbis format, as that is what my game currently supports (I can convert it myself from another format if needed). I plan on applying and submitting this demo to at least 2 studios: Petroglyph (the former Westwood studios, working on Universe at War) and EALA (Command and Conquer 3). So, if you're interested in having your original game music heard by people in the industry, this would be a great opportunity. There will be a credits screen at the end of the demo, and full credit (and contact information, if desired) will be supplied for the music. I can't really offer or promise more than that. I'm not planning on making any money with this (especially since it is just a demo with only 2 units at this point), just trying to get a job. But, it's an opportunity to get exposure just as this demo is an opportunity for me to get programming exposure. If anyone is interested, post here or PM me. I'd love to hear samples of your original stuff, especially if it fits the style I described above. Hopefully all of this wasn't too boring to read... EDIT: If anyone is wondering why the gravity seems a bit weird, just remember that this takes place on Mars, where acceleration due to gravity is only 3.7 m/s^2!
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