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Angel of Eternal Flames

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Posts posted by Angel of Eternal Flames

  1. It's amazing, I'm now currently playing the Battle of Olympus on my computer, and I hit this site to find a Remix. Coincidence....I think not! I was actually think about trying to come up with something for this game.

    As for the song...it is quite lovely! I never really liked the song for the Peleponnesus forest. But making something sounding so bad and turning it into something so beautiful is just awesome. It sounds great. And the Title...it fits well with the game.


  2. I'd say the hardest boss to beat and still I can't beat the cheap MoFo is Rugal from King of Fighters 2002. God he is such a pain to beat. I hate him with such passion. UGH I praise ANYONE who can beat him...and if they can, tell me HOW!!!

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