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Bucky Brent

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Posts posted by Bucky Brent

  1. Has anyone here ever beaten Chupon or Siegfried at the Coliseum? I can't remember if I ever did, (I think I beat Chupon once, but I don't remember).

    Chupon always sneezed you away, and Seigfried did his hyperdrive move that took off ~7000 hp I think, even if your guy was at level 99. Even with the genji glove and offering, I don't know if I ever beat him...

  2. I'd have to say the Jeweller Jem guy from Illusion of Gaia (after you get all the gems- I think his real name is Solidarm?). I got whooped by him. Also, the secret boss guy in Mario RPG, I can't remember his name, but the FF guy with the crystals around him. What about the easiest games to beat? I'd have to say Kirby's Dreamland on NES. I almost had it finished a few hours after I bought it. Zelda 64 was kind of a disappointment too.

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