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Posts posted by puke7

  1. :twisted: Iron Maiden's drummer was ripped limb from limb and replaced by a drum machine. They then named themselves Ailsean. :twisted:

    :evil: I saw your pic, Ailsean, I now understand why you hate Warmth. I hate Warmth now too. It is my civic duty as your extreme guitar technique totally surpasses that of those who have friends willing to play in a band with them. At least you forgot to finish the title track of 'Metaltroid' before you faded it out into the next song. Oops. 8O


    You can't stand my remix and I can't stand yours. I think remixing is now dead.... let us go to the land of Zophar and live in a musical interchange of .nsf and .spc phyl3z for the rest of time.

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