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Posts posted by danro4

  1. Hey guys, so ive been a part of the OCR community for 11 years now and recently I started a YouTube channel to chronicle a goal of mine: to own a complete collection of every Xbox 360 game ever released in North America.

    Im about to post update 6 which puts me at 266 games (whew).

    What id like to ask my OC peeps is for some feedback on how I can improve my videos. Also, do you think that remixers would allow me to use their music in said videos.

    Any feedback is appreciated,



  2. That's a false positive; it seems to be vio2sf.bin that causes it, for most people, which is necessary for playback of 2SF files (Nintendo DS music). At the moment, the only real alternative would be temporarily disabling virus scanning long enough to install chipamp, or whitelisting it somehow so the warning is ignored or not triggered.

    One alternative would be our releasing a version that simply doesn't have 2SF support, for those affected, but it's a popular format. It might help if you could check the McAfee logs and see if it's indeed vio2sf.bin that is mentioned?

    Ok, so I looked at my logs and heres what I found:

    Detection name: Artemis!4F17AF46126E (Trojan)

    File: C:\Downloads\chipamp_setup.exe.part

    Process: C:\Program Files (x86)Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe

    Process description: Firefox


    Detection name: Artemis!4F17AF46126E (Trojan)

    File: C:\Downloads\chipamp_setup.exe.crdownload

    Process: C:\Windows\system32\SearchProtocolHost.exe

    Process description: Microsoft Windows Search Protocol


    Detection name: Artemis!4F17AF46126E (Trojan)

    File: C:\Users\Danro\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\UserData\Default\Cache\f_003414

    Process: C:\Users\Danro\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe

    Process description: Google Chrome

    I hope this helps, anything else I can provide let me know. I have winamp installed and ready to go.

  3. EVE Online.

    The learning curve is a bitch, but it's still the best non-WOW clone MMORPG out there.


    I wont be trying Rift simply because of the ad campaign, but hey, to each their own.

  4. Close.

    Silent hill is what you bring to it.

    Consider Angela...

    Now consider the bedmonsters and the pyramid heads.

    See what I'm getting at here?

    Speaking of which, apart from symbolising pain and maybe being higher up, is there any particular reason for Pyramid Heads having pyramids for heads?

    I always thought PH had his head like that cause he was wearing a hood of some type when he was a normal person, and it kinda became permanent in monster world.... form.....

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