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Everything posted by Novablas

  1. NOO!! SO close to exactly what I wanted!? The accordian part just turned me off to the song, it was good but I guess not my taste. The beginning piano intro which sounded nothing like the song was very cool! Maybe shorter would've been better and the actualy song played on the piano thingy was EXACTLY MY KIND OF MUSIC. I have always loved this song ever since I first heard it playing the GB Tetris at the dentist's. Good job though! Oh yes, this is also my first review and what a song to do it on, eh? Ahh..... Listening to the song now, the way it seamlessly goes into the music from the intro....Beautiful... but ack... accordian. Overall excellent job! EDIT I'm sorry, I just realized that this is a remix and I should listen to the actual song if I wanna hear that. I didn't mean to be mean if that's the way you took it. But I don't think my post is out of the rule boundaries so I'll leave it all in. =D
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