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    Baltimore,Maryland USA

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. I still havent played with many of you. I would love to soon though, just hit me up on AIM or send me a party invite, im on alot really
  2. Im off school tomorrow and I have a good supply of recreational type things to keep me awake tonight. So as soon as I eat this grilled cheese, I will be signing on to Xbox Live to pwn the newbs. If im idling in a menu, send me a message on AIM and ill be right there to hop into a match. Im wanting to work on my clanmatch score, last time we played, we got it from 8 to 13 in like an hour.
  3. Having the starting weapon as shotgun wont teach anyone anything. The shotgun's flaws in halo 2 drag down a player very easily. And having no shields on? How would that teach someone to kill fast, they wont have to try, just pull the trigger in the general direction and let the shotguns spray talk. It also is flawed in that it wont teach people to work as a team. It would be a group or two, with your rampant lone wolf running around dropping on people and shottying them. Now, a good gametype to teach some skill is a gametype with a battle rifle start, nades on, no radar. The lack of radar almost forces you to work as a team because the battle rifle start makes you instantly vulnerable if you are alone and the other team is being just that....a team. Even splitting in two's can allow you to wreak havoc with BRs. BRs are basically the new pistol. Using nades will teach you to kill quickly, no more newb combo bullshit. Nail a splash damage from a frag, headshot once with the BR is an instant kill. This will also teach you how to lay plasma nade "traps." That is, retreating from a fire fight with an oponnent whil dropping plasmas in your wake. If the opponent is stupid enough(which most are) they will try to dodge the plasmas and lose their shields. At the time, you swing around pop a headshot with the BR and hear GAME OVER as your team takes the match. Wow I just went off on a tactical tangent. Oh well, maybe some of you will use this advice. Maybe ill start working my slayer rank back up to 35 and not allow friends to play my live account anymore
  4. Terminal is not all about the wraith at all, hop in the gauss hog with a buddy and hit it 2-3 times with the turret and youll kill it. Or you could grab a BR or sniper and stalk your way behind it and kill the driver by boarding. You just gotta practice I guess.
  5. I had the best game of my life last night in Team Training playing with a few friends. Its crazy because im not one of those people who play halo 2 all day every day. 50 kills, 10 deaths, 60 medals, 2 killtaculars, 27 beatdowns. In one standard Assault game. Im a beast! http://www.bungie.net/Stats/GameStats.aspx?panel=kills&gameid=312761555&player=etherealprince
  6. OCRemix minor clan match ranking = 13 and rising =D It started out at 8 tonight. We also have a new member, his name is Ruji Flesk and he is a friend of mine. Were gonna keep playin!
  7. Ill be online all day, im sick and really bored. Just pwning all the kids on Team Snipers right now. If I dont accept your party invite, hit me up on AIM and get me in on some OCRemix action, Ive only actually played with the clan like twice.
  8. Someone send me a new clan invite sometime, Gamertag: etherealprince
  9. I might rejoin the clan...... Ive climbed up to lvl 28 from my 25. And ive become quite bored playing rumble pit.
  10. Ill be on tonight, you guys better invite me haha And the bloody slaughter shall begin!
  11. Although I havent had a chance to hop on XBlive in a few days, when I do, I will officially join the clan. But until then, I have a new sig
  12. I should be on Xbox Live tonight around 9pm EST after work if my new puppy is sleeping and doesnt need to be played with. One time I was in a skirmish matchmaking game with the Slayer gametype on zanzibar. My whole team left in the beginning and the score ended up being 49-48, with me as the victor! Check out these stats on this game =P http://www.bungie.net/Stats/GameStats.aspx?panel=kills&gameid=213426611&player=etherealprince
  13. Next time im on, ill send wespip a message. My gamertag is etherealprince and my ranks are as follows: Rumble Pit: 11 Team Skirmish: 17 Head To Head: 17 Big Team Battle: 6 Team Slayer: 25 Team Preview: 16 Double Team: 20 The stats for the clan so far are pretty awful... Minor clan match: 27 games played, 4 wins? Major clan match: 24 games played, 1 win? Maybe I can lend a hand
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