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Posts posted by Rhombus

  1. Well, I love Gershwin, and I love this underappreciated game... needless to say, I love this remix! This is one of my favorite GameBoy games of all time, and usually music is a big reason for why I love games, but I had actually forgotten how excellent the GQ soundtrack was. All the good memories of the game rushed back when I played this baby. Nixdorux does a great job of improving on the original, and adds that real human and warm Gershwin touch.

  2. Fantastic work here from Shnabubula. Jazz is definitely an underrepresented genre in the remix scene, and it looks like that's starting to change. Between this piece, and Shnabubula's other recent remix (a great jazz piano FF9 mix over at vgmix), it looks like jazz is finally starting to get some loveage. Shnabubula obviously can really play some piano, and knows his jazz theory and comp. It's also really great to see some coverage of SoE... not just one of my favorite soundtracks, but one of my favorite games. Cool stuff.

  3. I find it amusing and kind of strange that given the abundantly warm welcome this remix has found at this site, that PC game soundtracks are still under-represented and under-appreciated at this, and many other game soundtrack communities. Does it take a remix of a console classic for Mr. Soule to earn some well-deserved recognition? I mean, this track is great... the original is a favorite of mine, and Mr. Soule certainly does it justice in this remix. I'm just saying that his own ORIGINAL pieces in games like Icewind Dale, Giants: Citizen Kabuto (which had just an AWESOME soundtrack), Neverwinter Nights, Morrowind, and Star Wars: KotoR are absolutely wonderful (in my opinion, even better than this remix) and don't really get the praise and attention they should. Maybe because they're PC games, maybe because they're non-Japanese games, I dunno.

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