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Infinite Ammo

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Posts posted by Infinite Ammo

  1. I have been converted.

    No, not my religon you freak! My tastes in music! Previously, before listening to this Godsend, I was a sole headbanger/mozart zealot... but now... I have a respect for this "techno" thing (and only at the loss of my freinds, who think "4nythingh taht isnt K0rn Slipknot or i33t pr0n is t3h g4y!!!!!!!!!!!!!21!" Screw them, eh? :)) I have fallen in love with this song...

    ...and only at the loss of 98% of my hearing!

    I swear, that damned violin is literally jumping out of my headphones and drilling into my eardrum with a chainsaw. I swear, I't feels like a horde of hungry gnats are eating out my inner ear! Other than that, the banjo goes perfectly, and the part around 3:43 is what really sold me. It really gives off that "mountain" feeling. I can just picture going up a mountain as I listen to this. Beef is , I think that it coulda used some more orchestral elements, but it's still fine wit' me! This is by far the best mix on the site. Great freakin' work. :mrgreen:

    Damn my ears hurt like hell... but who cares!

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