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Posts posted by Willpower

  1. Quite a refreshing take on one of my favorite songs from CT. I'd just like to chime in with my thoughts on the Trigun side of the inspiration (not to downplay Tull at all, mind you.)

    Definitly some Trigun-style in there (but only from the last episode ending, really)...

    I totally agree with zircon here, while most of the music from Trigun uses much more distortion on the guitar melodies, the song that immediately sprang to mind when I listened to Jethro and Vash at the Fair was the Trigun song: Fool's Paradise (the finale end credits) I even had to listen to the two songs back to back a few times to feel satisfied. Sadly, this brought to me what I feel to be the only weakness of pretzel's mix: the synth instruments here come up a bit short compared to the sound (and subsequently the feel) produced by both sources of inspiration.

    Overall, I quite enjoy this mix. The arrangement is brilliant, while I would love to hear pretzel bring us a live instrument version (or a more polished synth even) I will happily add Jethro & Vash at the Fair to my playlist.


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