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Posts posted by bombshelboy

  1. So...punchy kick...what that mean :D? Sorry, not really familiar with the term. I still need to work on the metroid 1 brinstar notes, I am doing them all by ear and I know they are a bit off, but I haven't quite nailed it yet...I'm gonna get my friend who is particularly good at note descrimination to help out with it because I'm a bit lost to tell you the truth :P.

    The little sound effects added in the part after the death sound aren't quite done, actually I just barely added them and they definitely need work, I'm gonna have a little almost breakbeat made out of samus sound sampling...you'll enjoy, I swearz.

    Besides all that, I'm thinking of completely re-vamping the drums for the intro and metroid 1 sections. They seem kinda stale or repetetive. I'm also gonna be dropping a couple of audio tracks over the top, vocoded, for descriptions of metroid beings as per a suggestion I recieved from a friend.

    If anyone else has a good suggestion please tell me, I want this mix to be win.

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