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Posts posted by Poiso

  1. Wait, is it or is it not grindy? Because if it's not, I'm definitively trying out the trial.

    Yeah, I've been thinking about trying it too, is it worth it?

    Yes. It is one of the most in depth and different MMOs out there. Check it out, make sure you do the tutorial though.

    FYI: The tutorial will be long.

    Yeah, give it a go, you might like it. It is one of the better MMO's out there, despite it's grindyness.

    It's possible to avoid grinding altogether in this game!

    Though you might have to grind a bit to get to that point. Maybe not. It really depends!


    Um. Yeah! Right!

    If you live in high sec then the game will seem like a boring grindfest. If you live in low sec, then it's somewhat less grindy. In 0.0, you basically can't grind. The lower the security, the more it becomes a game about interacting with people in a very... intuitive way.

  2. Wait, is it or is it not grindy? Because if it's not, I'm definitively trying out the trial.

    Yeah, I've been thinking about trying it too, is it worth it?

    Yes. It is one of the most in depth and different MMOs out there. Check it out, make sure you do the tutorial though.

    FYI: The tutorial will be long.

    Yeah, give it a go, you might like it. It is one of the better MMO's out there, despite it's grindyness.

    It's possible to avoid grinding altogether in this game!

    Though you might have to grind a bit to get to that point. Maybe not. It really depends!

  3. I don't understand why everyone is so hard on IE, it's a lot better than you give it credit for, and a lot better than Firefox. You act like a bunch of freelance web designers could actually produce something of higher quality than a corporation with actual, you know, funding.

    yeah, browser flame wars are dumb...

    but you are dumb too

  4. I don't think it can happen yet with Polyphony since they're an internal development team of Sony. So unless they pull a Rareware, they are not going anywhere.

    I wonder if that even matters now that Microsoft has Project Gotham Racing and Forza Motorsport.

    It does because Gotham is a very different game and Forza is a new/less widely known take on the same idea!

  5. So Resistance is supposed to be 17.75GB. Well this guy found that a lot of is just padding. I heard they do this so the data is pushed to the outside for faster reading.


    So if this is true, Sony sure is full of themselves when they say Blu-Ray is the next gen of gaming.

    Or maybe it's just not Resistance which is the next generation of gaming? High capacity on the discs seems like a nice thing to have, whether or not current games are really using it.

    But yeah it kinda is a dick move to claim Resistance is that huge when it ain't!


    Seriously, that's awesome.

    As for the other thing. Go ahead. Only thing is that seems more like the sig request thread than what this thread was intended to be. Ready made sigs for the masses at any given point.

    Yeahh, but if they see one and want their name on it, why not be open to that? It is still a very different thing from the request thread when they see it before it's branded to them.

    I see your point... allright.

    How should we go about this?

    If photobucket's not capable of specific information for each sigmaker's directory, then a little section in the first post will probably suffice?


    Seriously, that's awesome.

    As for the other thing. Go ahead. Only thing is that seems more like the sig request thread than what this thread was intended to be. Ready made sigs for the masses at any given point.

    Yeahh, but if they see one and want their name on it, why not be open to that? It is still a very different thing from the request thread when they see it before it's branded to them.

  8. For now, this.



    PS: Can you make a pyramid head one pretty plz? :)

    I can!


    So is it possible for a note that I and probably others are willing to stick people's names on these by request by PM or AIM?

    'Cuz I am and I think some could benefit from that

  9. Cool, thanks. So what's to indicate that the SH1 Alessa has been reborn into Heather other than that the SH3 cult seems to be convinced of that? If I'm not mistaken, SH1 ends with Alessa staying back on the far side of that portal after tossing Heather to you, not exactly dying or disappearing.

    Heather, the reincarnation, specifically says,

    After the god was killed, the girl reappeared. She was holding a baby in her arms. Before she died, she gave the baby to my father.

    Can't argue against a clear-cut statement like that.

    Fair nuff!

  10. Cool, thanks. So what's to indicate that the SH1 Alessa has been reborn into Heather other than that the SH3 cult seems to be convinced of that? If I'm not mistaken, SH1 ends with Alessa staying back on the far side of that portal after tossing Heather to you, not exactly dying or disappearing.

  11. I'm currently having a discussion with a friend regarding links between the movie and the games and the continiuum of the game's plots in general. It's weird stuff. Any insights on these questions?

    Is Dark Alessa really Sammael?

    What are Alessa's final motives post-SH1 in the games? Why does she seem to be spending her time helping out dudes like James?

    Is Rose dead or is she currently conscripted into servitude under what her daughter has become? It could lead into the SH1 cult, or something.

  12. in case no one made a comment about this; at the end what yorda says is su..ki..

    she is saying (at the end of the game) in the boys own language (yes, that's japanese) that she loves him.

    absolutely awesome to end the song with it I must say.

    Wait. Wait.

    I was pretty sure Ico spoke a fictional language too.

    Edit: Oh and yeah, nice remix, yeah!

  13. MMO thread, obligatory:

    All your games suck.



    14-day free trial. I've been playing it for about a week and I'm fairly impressed. A little too slow paced for my tastes, but I love the idea of it.

    Eve - one of the only MMORPGs I haven't played. Just haven't had time. But coincidentally, a friend of mine has been bugging me to do the free trial with him. Going to try it tonight :)

    You definetly should. (In my opinion) it's miles above everything else of the sort.

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