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Posts posted by Subliminal

  1. Weapons are extremely easy with the right combinations of materia. Combine KOTR with HP absorb and mimic for what would pretty much be an invincibility materia. Oh yeah, Phoenix with last attack just in case someone gets in a fluke kill on ya. It's pretty easy that way. You only need to be about level 55 to beat anything in the game with that combo. Anything else you put on is just for show. :twisted:

  2. Oh yeah, I know this has prolly been said already (I haven't read all the posts). But that &*&^-er from NARC pissed me off so damn much.

    Oh, and Lavos really wasn't that hard unless you were fighting the Lavos in the underwater palace who was supposed to kill you anyway. Or if you went alone with Crono at the beginning, which was an awesome way to go, in my opinion. One on one. There can be only one highlander :)

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