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    Pittsburgh, PA

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. ah i got it now, i messed around with that before, but never really knew how it worked. thanks alot xelebes. i even put it in my new WIP! how tasteful
  2. don't know if this was ever asked...but sorry, i just don't feel like looking through 79 pages . anyway, is there anyway to create triplet/sixteenth notes in FL? im not sure it thats the proper name (haven't had music class in years) but what im talking about is like for a drumroll that is really rapid. like i saw the piano roll for a drumroll, and it had like three notes inside each step...how do you do that? ill take a screen shot if you don't know what i mean...but im sure you do...kinda. thanks
  3. for some reason, none of the samples in my fl 4 studio work, i've tried everything to correct it, chose different output sources and still nothing...anyone know the problem or know where i can get a working copy...
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