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  1. Been awhile since I posted here, but this was brought to my attention by a few mutual friends. Brandon, I'm in absolute awe of your post. You're chiding Jimmy for pursuing a professional career in music? For devoting himself to his craft, for following his passion, and working like crazy in a field that doesn't pay nearly well enough? "Is it so hard to be a part of OC Remix?" Apparently, it is, because if you don't take out a ton of time in your busy schedule to contribute to a volunteer-based album, you get chewed out by a bunch of children. Not that Jimmy blew up a bridge when he left; he's still on great terms with a lot of the musicians here. He simply made the professional decision to use his time a bit more wisely. Him posting here is extremely relevant; it's a fantastic album and has tons of VG musical influences. If you don't want the music, then you don't contribute. It's that simple. But chiding him for posting about it, to a lot of people with whom he still has very positive relations, is ridiculous; *he's posting about video game music on a video game music website*. Secret projects? Well, I'm the directing head of a not-so-secret project (There Came an Echo) that Jimmy's working on, and his output has thus far been absolutely stellar. He's been a pleasure to work with, and hell, I'm not even paying him enough money to do it. He's an awesome guy, and anyone slandering him is gonna have a real tough time getting in my good graces. I'm out. Sorry for the drama, but I just thought this was utterly insane. Jimmy's awesome.
  2. I've posted on this board, like, 20 times in nine years, but I'm posting now to say your track is the first ever WIP I've added to my collection. Keep submitting to get it through. It would be a shame if most never got to hear this. Edit: Okay, 36 times in 7 years. Still.
  3. Well, I'm licensing his music, as opposed to having him compose original works. He expressed no desire to turn this song into one of proper CD release quality. As far as transcription goes, Ronald Jenkees plays very, very largely off of improvisation. I doubt much of that at all was written out or planned. He's...kind of a genius.
  4. My apologies to the mods if this is inappropriate, but the level of talent here is quite high, so I thought I'd ask. I'm producing an indie title for the Xbox 360, and I was fortunate enough to bring on Ronald Jenkees for the majority of the music in the game. One of his songs, tentatively labeled "Fast Piano Jam", is an absolutely perfect fit for my final boss, but there's one problem: it's never been on an official CD release of his, and the YouTube version is of far too low a quality. Here's what I'm looking for: I want someone to take this two minute song and just...redo it. No remixing, just a note-for-note (or as accurate as possible) reproduction of the original composition. I'm willing to pay $150 (in what would likely be a half-now half-later thing) via Paypal or personal check to anyone willing to take on the job. You'll be officially credited in the game, of course. I do have Mr. Jenkees' express written consent for this remastering. The song is here: If you're interested, you can contact me at jwishnov@gmail.com. If you'd like more information, just ask! Thanks again, OCR.
  5. All right, nine submissions received...today is the last day! Send me some stuff, and I'll take a look.
  6. (To the mods: I wasn't sure if this was the appropriate venue for such a topic. Please lock or move if I was incorrect.) To all musicians! I've been hard at work at an independent title for the Xbox 360 for quite some time now, a rather strange amalgamation of a rhythm game and an RPG. I expect a March/April 2010 release, and I think it's high time I procured some music. You can view a trailer (with placeholder music) here: First off: THIS IS A PAYING JOB. I can't guarantee it'll be a ton, and it'll vary depending on how many songs provided and the amount of work done, but you won't be working for free. You'll also get wide exposure on the Xbox Indie Games platform. The songs I'm looking for should be varied, but must 1) Maintain a steady, unchanging, and definable BPM, 2) Exhibit style and a unique feel. Electronic is great, electronica with piano/strings/bells is better, need a few "epic" pieces for bosses, some lighter fare, rock, avant-garde stuff, let's see it all. I'll also need a bit of music for the cut-scenes, which can be softer and more ambient. I would speak in more technical terms, but there's a reason I hiring someone to do this for me. = P I do like the placeholder music in the trailer above, though. I also have no problem with using pre-existing work. If you want to create something specifically for the game, that's great, but if you have a piece I like already, no need for extra work. It must, of course, be original...no remixes. So, if you're interested, please send me a sample or two of your work (and a bit about yourself!) to me at jwishnov@gmail.com. I'll check my PMs, I suppose, but I'd really prefer an E-mail. If you have any questions, of course, feel free to ask. Thanks so much! I look forward to working with one of you soon. = D
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