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Posts posted by MasterHibb

  1. Okay, so this is absolutely gorgeous. At first I was disappointed when it didn't go into the fast part of Time's Scar, but that didn't last long. In fact, considering the feel of the piece, I am far more pleased at the amazing improvisation that runs away with the melody than the original score could have hoped to make me. A fabulous remix, and one of my favorites on this site, easy.

    Kick ass, gutzalpus.

  2. It's very Last Starfigher... I just can't help but think of some trailer park kid saving the universe, only instead of doing it with spaceships, he does it by throwing magical waterproof fireballs at various sorts of marine life. At least, that's what The Wizard should've been about.

    I just love remixes like this that take happy-poppy NES music and turn it into a grand orchestral affair. It's feels so wrong, but at the same time oh, so right.

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