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Everything posted by ShadowReaver

  1. Greetings fellow music lovers. For the longest time I have searched and searched for individuals who share my love for "Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem" as much as I do. I feel that this game has an excellent music selection to choose from and has much potential. Please Please Please....someone attempt this one with me. I will try and submit one myself...if I feel it is of "OC" quality. A few good ones to start with might be: Black Rose, Gift of Forever, and prehaps the Black Guardian scene music when brother luther enters the guardian domain. The sound clips from the ancients speaking with pious augustas or clips of Maximillian Roviou's Obtopsies might serve nicely as dark background tones and you could therefore maintain the same dark feel of the game in your mixes. Thank you very much.
  2. Very good! Like everyone else had said before, sounds like love hurts at the begining, but then takes on a whole new sound on its own. I like how it eases down at about 3:12 with the guiter as well. I love how it all flows together. Bravo!
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