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  1. Im looking for some good Drum and Bass samples. I was about to drop nearly $400 on EastWest Ministry of Rock. I know their stuff is good, but I don't know about spending that much. Anyone have other recommendations for the cheap? Thanks!
  2. In terms of just listening to music and enjoying music how would a set of $350 monitors compare to like the $400 Bose multimedia set? Or is it fair to even compare the 2? My sound card only has 2 outputs for sound L and R, so I'm not sure how I would get a subwoofer seperately.
  3. Wow so things get even more complicated hehe. Is it enjoyable listening to music on "monitors"? I gotta have my bass!!! Wheres the subs? I think i'm way over my head on this and i'll just go with a normal speaker set and not worry about all the technical stuff. Cause i'm recording stuff on some crappy $50 speakers and it really doesn't matter its not like i'm a pro.
  4. Oh mostly making music on them.
  5. So since my main purpose for the speakers is music I don't think i'm needing a 5.1 surround sound. Just stereo. But if I can get a 5.1 for a good price that sounds great i'm willing to do that too. I was going to get the Logitech Z-5500 set but after reading reviews from audiphiles it sounds really muddy and weak for music and that for the same money I could get a better sounding set of speakers. Anyone have recommendations Polk? Boston accoustics? Etc. I play my electric guitar through a software amp so the speakers have to have some punch to them. My price range is $350 ceiling. I get confused with amps and receivers etc. I just want to buy a set that comes with everything I need ya know. Thanks!!
  6. I need suggestions on a midi keyboard in the $150 range.
  7. Thanks! I guess I always had issues with opening another instrument within the Kompakt player. My keyboard wouldn't play under another instrument within the same plugin. So i'd open another instance. Currently though (i've done nothing different) i'm able to use many collusus instances without the glitching. Go figure! Nice to see you Zircon
  8. When I load one instance of this via NI. It will play 1 instrument just fine and it sounds great. As soon as I add another instance of Colussus to play as a second instrument they won't play together. Anytime the instruments play together I get massive glitching and hissing noises. As if the memory can't read them both at the same time. I've tried many many different settings with no luck. At one point a year ago or so I was able to play as many instances as I wanted but I don't know what I did to change that. Please I get so frustrated I don't feel like learning a new program so I just give up and have stopped writing music for a while now
  9. I really appreciate the help guys. Thanks
  10. I told you why i want to, playing drums with my feet. I don't care if you dont think its not a good reason im having fun. I enjoy doing stuff live Also i'd be satisfied with splitting my keyboard in half so that the left side plays one instrument and the right side plays another instrument. Any details on this? (I think this would be very useful) Thanks
  11. Its actually not a soundfont, but one of my many VSTi plugins. I really appreciate the reply, though this is a very confusing subject for me. Perhaps i should start learning a new program. FL studio is nice and all but seems limiting in a lot of areas.
  12. They are MIDI keyboards using FL studio so they are soundfonts within the program. My big generic MIDI keyboard is plugged into my EMU 0404 sound device. My smaller MIDI keyboard (creative prodikeys) is plugged in via USB but its able to play under my EMU 0404 I want keyboard #1 to play a different instrument soundfont than keyboard #2 currently they share the same channel so no matter what soundfont i click on they both play it.
  13. I have a keyboard for my feet to play drums. I'd like to be able to link my other keyboard so that it plays another instrument. Both keyboards work but they are always on the same channel so they both play the same instrument. Any ideas how I can make the seperate keyboards be on their own seperate instrument? Thanks a lot!
  14. I've tried out the brass samples in Garritons Orchestra and I am extremely dissapointed with them. All of them lack any sort of bass, and I don't get that really loud resonating metallic sound from them. I got much better results with a free orchestra pack I found on hammersound.net however the big brass sound i'm looking for only comes in short spurts where I need them with some long notes. I used to have Garritan Big band (lost the disk) but the sound was just as bad as the brass section in their personal orchestra. So if anyone has some ideas in the $50-$300 range that would be great! Something that has VSTi plugin capabality for FL studio. Thanks!
  15. Well i've been reading about this a bit and definetly the condenser is what I want. However im trying to determine if I should get the Rode NTG-1 which happens to be a Directional Condenser Shotgun Microphone. Its intended purpose for film and video. How am I to know how well it would do for vocals and instruments Budget wise I cannot afford BOTH. Maybe if all the accesories came with these mic's I could afford them, but the accesories and cables add another $100+ BLAH! Year old post hah, better then making a new post I guess.
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