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Posts posted by Toast

  1. In the new Zen there is no removable batteries, but in the Nomad Jukebox, you could pop the [metal!] front off and take out the battery. Some proprietary thing, but at least it was replaceable.

    Ok, that is like the Sansa, except with screws instead of snaps. That was actually a pretty major selling point for me when I found I could get replacement batteries online for about 20 USD.

  2. That what I want with my next mp3 player purchase. Drag and drop to Windows Explorer. Right now I have iPod shuffle first generation.(yes I know there are program that let you drag and drop on your iPod. I kind of don't like them though.)

    I like iPod shuffle but man I just want to drop my songs 123 and go. Not go through i-tunes.

    supremespleen does Sandisk flash mp3 player have it where you can double click the play button, and goes back to first listed song just like the iPod shuffle. If so I'm sold.

    All so would anybody know are there other mp3 player that do drag and drop to Windows Explorer I'm sure there are. Folks here mention what mp3 player they use but didn't really mention if it did drag drop thingy.

    Sandisk Sansa supports drag and drop and the battery is removable, but there's 4 screws to unscrew. OverCoat, do you mean the battery just clips on?

  3. I have a 1GB iPod shuffle. The On/Off button broke, and now its a glorified USB flash drive.

    bought an RCA pearl something or other.. has 512 MB of flash memory and a slot for a Mini Pro Duo memory card for expansion and USB plugin for file transfer. This thing cost me 30 USD, and seems capable of taking quite the beating. It does use batteries though (1 AAA=15 hrs of play time at a decent volume level. I intend to invest in rechargables).

    Good choice on the RCA. I've had a K@zoo and Lyra before and both were great players.

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